Elvin’s Story

28 July 2022

Elvin Darkan is in a good place. He’s kicked his addictions, has a roof over his head, a job, and life is looking up. Rockhampton resident Elvin Darkan says a Tenancy Skills Institute course helped him keep his home.

“It’s great for me. Fantastic. I’ve got food in my fridge and cupboard, I budget and there’s more money now,” Mr Darkan, who was born at Hope Vale Mission near Cooktown but grew up in Woorabinda, said.

He is one of the fortunate few to get into community housing, but it has been a long journey to get to this point — and he almost lost it all.

He had returned to Rockhampton from Cairns after spending time in jail.

“I was roving around on the riverbank, drinking, sleeping here and there, couch

surfing, sleeping on the riverbank,” Mr Darkan said.

“Then I finally had enough of it, and I put myself in rehab and was in there for four


Anglicare Central Queensland, which has been instrumental in Mr Darkan’s rehabilitation, found community housing but it did not start well.

The plan was for Mr Darkan to complete a free course run through the Tenancy Skills Institute that would teach him how to be a good tenant.

This included his rights and responsibilities, how to maintain and clean a property,

budgeting and finance, and how to communicate.

“It sort of woke me up,” Mr Darkan said. “Not only that, I found work.”

It also was the first course he had ever completed.

“I’m very proud of myself.”

Anglicare Central Queensland’s housing and homelessness manager, Adam Klapworth, said the low vacancy rate put people on low incomes in a vulnerable position because they could not afford the rents.

“It’s all about educating them and giving them that skillset to be able to maintain that tenancy, and it also gives them an edge up in a competitive rental market,” Mr Klaprorth said.

You can also find out more by completing our free Tenancy Skills course. Enrol here.

Article Courtesy of ABC Rockhampton